I'll Keep You Wild

Ready For Growth & Expansion?

Hope Flawse Episode 113

Let's talk about how to get yourself into rooms that are going to challenge and change you. 

Today I talk about the mindset shifts I've learned and used over and over again to help me get to where it is I want to be. I embrace the opportunities that come my way because I always find a way to make it happen.

I'm sharing some personal stories and examples of where I used to hold myself back and I share how I used to talk myself out of things I wanted to do because I was to scared or fearful to believe I actually deserved certain opportunities or experiences. 

I dig into how self worth might be a root issue as to why you feel you can't embrace the good things coming to you and how to implement a mindset that serves you for the best. 

It's time to get yourself into the rooms that are filled with the type of people you want to be around. It's time to step into those rooms that are going to lead to expansion and growth & It's time to learn how to drop excuses that hold you back from taking action towards the goals that you have.

If you listen to the full episode at the end I do mention my new initiative with being a mindset and manifestation mentor and right now I'm offering free personalized consultation calls to my listeners and followers. If you'd like to have a free consultation call of your own DM me EXPANSION on instagram and I'de be happy to set that up. 

Thanks for being here:) 

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